3 proposte


Per non cedere alla logica del ricatto fra subire un’aggressione o reagire con le armi

  1. Chiedere alternative concrete alla gestione dei conflitti, in modo nonviolento e non armato, SOSTENERE la proposta di legge
    che istituisce il “DIPARTIMENTO PER LA DIFESA CIVILE NON ARMATA E NONVIOLENTA” e “L’ISTITUTO DI RICERCA SULLA PACE E IL DISARMO” delineato dalla prop. di legge nr. 3484 di iniziativa popolare presentata in Parlamento nel 2015 e incardinata per la discussione il 13.02.2017 dalle Commissioni Affari istituzionali e Difesa della Camera dei Deputati.
    (Per informazioni e dettagli vedi il sito: www.difesacivilenonviolenta.org)
  2. Sostenere, a livello di Parlamento Europeo e negli organismi decisori dell’Unione Europea in tema di Difesa, la proposta di
    ISTITUIRE E FINANZIARE I CORPI CIVILI DI PACE EUROPEI proposta da Alexander Langer nel 1994, ripresa nel Rapporto Bourlnges/Martin adottato dal Parlamento Europeo il 17.05.1996, dalla Raccomandazione sui CCPE del Parlamento Europeo B4-0791/98 del 2.02.1999 e dallo Studio di fattibilità sui CCPE di Catriona Gourlay, Isis Europe, 2004 e dal Rapporto finale sulla creazione dei CCPE, Channel Research, 2005.
    Feasibility Study on The European Civil Peace Corps, author Catriona Gourlay, 2004 (www.isis-europe.org; www.berghof-hanbook.net)
    Feasibility Study on the establishment of a European Civil Peace Corps (ECPC) (Channel Research, www.channelresearch.com)
  3. Chiedere al Governo Italiano che firmi e promuova il TRATTATO DI PROIBIZIONE DELLE ARMI NUCLEARI (TPNW) dell’ONU, entrato in vigore il 22.01.2021.
    Ican= International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2017 (www.ican.org)


As alternatives to choosing between being subject to aggression or being forced to react with weapons.

  1. Ask for real alternatives to conflict management in a non-violent, unarmed way; TO SUPPORT the law proposal establishing the “DEPARTMENT FOR CIVIL, UNARMED AND NON-VIOLENT DEFENCE AND THE RESEARCH INSTITUTE ON PEACE AND DISARMAMENT” as outlined by law proposal number 3484 of popular initiative, submitted to Parliament in 2015 and set for discussion on 13th February, 2017 by the Institutional Affairs and Defence Committees of the Chamber of Deputies.
    (For information and details please visit the site: www.difesacivilenonviolenta.org)
  2. Support, at the European Parliament level and in the decisional board of the European Union involved in defence matters, the proposal TO ESTABLISH AND FINANCE THE EUROPEAN CIVIL PEACE CORPS as suggested by Alexander Langer in 1994, reaffirmed in the Bourlange/Martin Report adopted by the European Parliament on 17th May, 1995 after the Recommendation of ECPC of the European Parliament B4-0791/98 on 2nd February, 1999 and by the Feasibility Study on ECPC by Catriona Gourlay, Isis Europe, 2004 and the Final Report on the Creation of ECPC, Channel Research, 2005.
    Feasibility Study on The European Civil Peace Corps, author Catriona Gourlay, 2004 (www.isis-europe.org; www.berghof-hanbook.net)
    Feasibility Study on the establishment of a European Civil Peace Corps (ECPC) (Channel Research, www.channelresearch.com)
  3. Ask Governments to sign and promote the TREATY ON THE PROHIBITION OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS (International TPNW) of the UN, which became law on 22nd January, 2021.
    Ican= International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2017 (www.ican.org)

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